Tahmoor, NSW

Cross Street,
Tahmoor, NSW

Cross Street, Tahmoor is an efficient greenfield urban infill development of circa 281 broadacre residential lots ranging in size from 700 square metres to over 1 hectare (average of 1,500 square meters).

Bordering the stunning Bargo River Gorge and Crown parkland, the property offers panoramic views with residential amenities and services located only one kilometre away from the Tahmoor town centre and railway station.


  • A total area of 152 hectares under single ownership
  • Located 95 kilometres southwest of Sydney CBD in Wollondilly Shire Council
  • Currently in a rezoning process as Residential (circa 281 lots) to facilitate large lot residential development and bio-banking
  • High-impact community benefit by returning 75 hectares of land (half of the holding) along the northern rim of the Bargo River Gorge, to the Wollondilly community for public open space and parklands
  • Deliver an innovative recycled water scheme using large lots to create surplus capacity at the constrained Picton Wastewater Treatment Plant under a take more than you give strategy


Bargo River Gorge Regional Park

Ingham Property plans to dedicate 75 hectares of land to Wollondilly Shire Council with walking tracks, picnic areas and viewpoints allowing uninterrupted public access to the stunning Bargo River Gorge, one of the area’s natural wonders. This land will be gifted to the Wollondilly Shire Council with a fully funded trust to pay for the ongoing maintenance and management of the area in perpetuity.

This gift of parkland could be used to seed the creation of a regional park over 330 hectares in size to protect the Bargo River Gorge natural wonder and mermaid pools tourist attraction, when it is combined with existing Crown Land within and across the gorge.